Republicans Display Ultimate Hypocrisy During Immigration Crisis

GOP Leaders
Image via CNN


The summer break for Congress has started and no comprehensive immigration bill is going forward. ?Of course it seems that the Republicans will not support any bill that shows a smidgen of humanity when dealing with immigrants and immigration, so if there’s anything to be done on this issue it might just fall solely on President Obama.

If my memory serves correctly, House Republicans just voted earlier this week to give Speaker Boehner the authority to sue the President; the ridiculous complaints of an over-stepping Obama filling the halls of D.C. The Republican National Committee even tweeted on its official Twitter account support for the lawsuit calling Obama “imperial.” Yet Thursday Republicans released a statement saying:


?There are numerous steps the president can and should be taking right now, without the need for congressional action, to secure our borders and ensure these children are returned swiftly and safely to their countries..”


It is clear that neither principle?nor rationality actually guide the Republicans when it comes to governing. So?according to the GOP, President Obama is a narcissistic, boundary-stepping,?imperial, dictator, who’should fly solo on enacting ?immigration policy??Because acting alone to change a part of a health care law they already hate is despicable but acting alone to round up poor immigrant?children and ship them back to their “home country” is patriotic and even necessary.

It is clear that this week’s antics?from the Republicans in D.C. are?hypocritical and pathetic. The games they are playing are naive and ridiculous and I continue to ask myself “when will it be over?” When will this stretch of blind obstructionism and personal hatred end and our government can actually work again? I unfortunately never see that happening as long as the House is led by Republicans and a man named Barack Obama is in the White House. Do you all agree?

Let us know what you think of these latest hypocritical developments on the Liberal America Facebook page.

I was born on January 13, 1990. I was born and raised in Charlotte, NC. I moved up north and attended the University of CT from 2008 to 2012. I currently also work at a law firm in Uptown Charlotte and have been helping with this organization entitled the National Independent Voter Coalition. My interests include: Politics (obviously), Basketball (playing and watching) and watching almost any sport, movies, reading, the law, human rights, entertainment, mostly Angelina Jolie and Beyonce. I am fun, caring, passionate, intelligent, and unique!