Rush Limbaugh Slut Shaming Yet Again (AUDIO)

Rush Limbaugh quotes

He’s at it again! Rush Limbaugh is opening his mouth again. Our favorite kooky village idiot has decided to weigh in on the great birth control debate.

In one of his trademark rants, Limbaugh slams the need for birth control and says if women can’t get it, they shouldn’t do ?a certain thing? and questioned the importance of the need for birth control.

Pregnancy is something you have to do to cause. It doesn’t just happen to you while you’re walking down the street except in the case of sexual abuse, but in the normal every day flow of events pregnancy requires action that has consequences, and yet we treat it as a great imposition that women need to be protected from. It’s a sickness. It’s a disease. It’s whatever and there’s got to be a pill for it. Yet, they wouldn’t have the problem if they didn’t do a certain thing.


As a nursing student with an interest in obstetrics, I can tell you now there is a medical necessity for birth control. Furthermore, it’s called sex, Rush. SEX. S-E-X. If you’re going to slut shame women, at least do so without trying to use niceties. Anyway, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, here are some medical reasons for birth control pills:

  1. Regulation of menstrual periods.
  2. Treatment of irregular periods.
  3. Treatment of heavy periods called menorrhagia.
  4. Treatment of painful periods called dysmenorrhea.
  5. Treatment of endometriosis.
  6. Treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).
  7. Treatment of acne, hirsutism (excessive hair) and alopecia (loss of hair).

Rush, please do us a favor. Crawl back into the primordial slime pond you came from.


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If you think you can stomach it, listen to his broadcast below.

h/t to The Raw Story

Edited/Published by JA

lizLiz Lee considers herself a modern woman of the South and hails from the swamps of South Georgia. She votes along no party line and prefers to look at issues from all angles before taking a stance. She takes particular interest in healthcare issues, mental health issues, and the battle for equality. She is also an emphatic advocate for the end to dog breed discrimination legislation. She is a wife, mother of one human child, mother to one furry American Bully, a college student, and also your typical everyday Wonder Woman. When she hangs up her cape, you can find her curled up in her office sewing, writing, playing World of Warcraft, or practicing banjo. You can follow her on Facebook to see what issue she is tackling.