Men’s Rights Activists: The Internet’s Anti-Woman Hate Group

Image of a sticker sold by popular MRA website A Voice For Men.
Image of a sticker sold by popular MRA website A Voice For Men.

We have heard of feminism and have seen the movement in its works. With leaders like Susan B. Anthony and women picketing for voting rights, and then later for the right to be free and to be themselves, how can anyone have not heard about feminism?

But one thing that you may not have heard of is the men’s rights’ movement.

Men’s Rights’ Movement?

Yes, you read that correctly.

There is a movement now that is concerned with men’s rights. It goes by Men’s Rights’ Movement, masculism, or The Men’s Human Rights’ Movement.

According to

The?men’s rights movement?(also known as?men’s rights activism (MRA),?masculism?or “The Men’s Human Rights Movement”[2]) is a movement that believes that?social,?legal?and?economic?discrimination?against?men?qua?men is present in society to the extent that fighting it deserves an organized effort mirroring?feminism. Its membership is primarily male (duh), though some?women?also identify with the movement and are sometimes known as “fMRAs.”

This is an offshoot of the men’s liberation movement of the 1970s and the tactics used are those that are learned from feminist movements to gain equality.

Masculism Constitution.

In the view of many that identify as MRAs, there is a deep seated fear of women. For instance, since one MRA so graciously outlined a Constitution concerning their views,

” 01.)?Feminists claim they want equality but what they really want is power without responsibility. “

I urge you readers to go read it for yourself and to form your own judgments.

But I will say this:

Why worry so much about what feminists are trying to do? And why perpetuate this idea that will feed and cause fear among some who are unable look further or refuse to do so? While there are some women that hide behind the guise of man hating, most of us do not hate men or hate anyone.

We hate the injustice of what is done and of the reason that is is done because someone is viewed as lesser for their biological sex. No one is lesser than anyone else and all deserve the same opportunities.

5 Uncomfortable Truths Concerning MRAs.

What began this article was my editor finding an article and sharing it on her wall on her personal facebook. I sat down and began to read it and, having dealt with MRAs before, I jumped on the chance to write about it.

The article was from and had five uncomfortable truths about MRAs that I found to be quite true in my experience.

Those truths are:

  • They prey on the insecure (with misdirection).

  • They hate women because it justifies their suffering.?
  • Their enemy is everyone.?
  • They have no sense of consequence.?
  • They don’t have a real position (and they don’t care).?

There was a guy that was interested in me. He was a MRA and he knew quite well that I was a feminist. I knew he was a MRA, but held my piece, due to a live and let live mentality. However, he would get increasingly pushy with me, saying that women shouldn’t do this or that, women’s places were in the kitchen, and that God made man to rule over the woman. He also said that women victimized men daily and that women owed men for care and many other things.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has deemed the Men’s Rights’ Movement a hate group.

Let us know what you think at the Liberal America Facebook page!!