Conservatives Make Crazy Look Easy

Former VP Dick Cheney

Another week yields another onslaught?of craziness from Conservative and GOP figures. Salon has provided us with the top 6 crazy moments from the week. The full list can be found here.

I wanted to take a look and examine just a couple of these ridiculous moments.

George Will. The Republican figurehead made big news this week for a rape column he penned, with subsequent and idiotic follow ups. Will, for one, questioned the statistics provided by the Obama administration regarding campus rape. These stated that about one in five women will be sexually assaulted at their college campus. Instead of speaking about the horrors of assault for college students, mostly women of course, he ascertained from?his infinite stupidity, that those numbers could be too high. Now, most brain-possessing individuals realize that if ANYTHING, sexual assault report numbers are too low, therefore, statistics regarding them are more than likely WORSE than presented, not better.

Continuing, Will also felt the need to feel sorry for the guys accused of rape. Now, if you are truly innocent of a horrendous crime like rape, yes, I would feel sorry for you too. But considering a justice system where far too many sexual assaults go unpunished or under-punished, maybe feeling sorry for the victimized women (and men) could be the first point one would try and make. Will also tried to blame culture of “hormones” and “alcohol” for the assault problem. Or least, these “claims” of assault problems. Yes, as a recent college graduate, who came from a large university with a sexual assault problem, I know that students do a.) have hormones and b.) drink.

I also know that there are many perpetrators who are just plain jerks. We have a culture of violence where women’s sexuality is still seen as something belonging to men; something to pleasure men. Many men do not even know what constitutes rape or what the basic meaning of “consent” is. While there are many vices in any culture, we need to establish that it is NEVER ok to take advantage of a drunk female, or a sober one. While I certainly wouldn’t advise a young woman to say, be alone at a party and get super near-blackout drunk, I would FIRST advise men to not be sexual perpetrators. While men can be victims and women can be perpetrators, I am using these generic scenarios as they are the most common. Yet again, a famous Republican shows his sheer ignorance when it comes to many issues facing women and young people alike.

In more craziness, Dick Cheney. That could be the end of this portion of the article, but that is too easy. Dick Cheney has come out swinging against the Obama’s administration. It is laughable that anyone from the George W. Bush’s administration would dare say something about how bad of a job President Obama is doing; but the masterminding Dick Cheney speaking in this way is downright abominable.

His claims are that Obama has been “so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.” This sounds like the very synopsis of what Cheney’s administration (oops, I mean Bush’s) created with the Iraq War. By now, the failures of this war are pretty clear. The audacity of Cheney to still seem as if he is an intellectual beacon of foreign policy is incredulous at best. For all that Cheney lacks, I suppose steadfastness assurance and obliviousness-to-catastrophes-caused-by-ones-self-syndrome, are not two?of them.

Let us know what you think of the latest in conservative crazy on the Liberal America Facebook page.

I was born on January 13, 1990. I was born and raised in Charlotte, NC. I moved up north and attended the University of CT from 2008 to 2012. I currently also work at a law firm in Uptown Charlotte and have been helping with this organization entitled the National Independent Voter Coalition. My interests include: Politics (obviously), Basketball (playing and watching) and watching almost any sport, movies, reading, the law, human rights, entertainment, mostly Angelina Jolie and Beyonce. I am fun, caring, passionate, intelligent, and unique!