Daughters Prop Mother’s Body At Table For Last Funeral Party (VIDEO)

Miriam Burbank (courtesy of WGNO ABC)
Miriam Burbank (courtesy of WGNO ABC)

When our loved ones pass on, we like to reflect on the way they lived their life. So when imagining a family member who was full of life and boisterous, is it really fair to lay them in a coffin, stiff in clothes they would probably not wear on a daily basis?

The daughters of Miriam Burbank did not think so. Agreeing that she was full of life, they threw her a last party in New Orleans, which she attended (literally) sitting at the table with a cigarette in hand, a 24 pack of Busch, whiskey, and yes, a flashing disco ball. Family and friends danced to music, and they truly celebrated life.


?Burbank’s two daughters, who call their mom Mae Mae, said she was full of life and they wanted her funeral to reflect that? Aside from the beer and menthol cigarette, Burbank is sitting at a table in a living room type setting. Also the Saints lover has her fingernails painted black and gold.?

Although very unorthodox, the Burbank family and friends agreed that it was a great idea.

Ms. Burbank’s sister, Sherline Burbank:

?When I walked in, I feel like I was in her house, and I don’t hurt so much because it’s more her and it’s like she’s not dead. It’s not like a funeral.?

Mickey Easterling
Mickey Easterling

This is not the first time in New Orleans that an individual has been sent off in this fashion. Mickey Easterling, a socialite, arranged for her funeral to be a magnificent send off. She was bid farewell dressed fabulously in a magnificent?hat, champagne, and a cigarette.

This may be a different trend, but I sort of like it. It’s creative, and it really is a celebration of life rather than a mourning of death. It’s strange definitely and maybe even a little creepy; however, I hope someone comes up with something as creative as this for my last farewell!

What do you think? Creepy or awesome? Let us know at the Liberal America Facebook page!

Check out the WGNO ABC broadcast about Ms. Burbank’s funeral in the video below.

biopicLizLiz Lee considers herself a modern woman of the South and hails from the swamps of South Georgia. She votes along no party line and prefers to look at issues from all angles before taking a stance. She takes particular interest in healthcare issues, mental health issues, and the battle for equality. She is also an emphatic advocate for the end to dog breed discrimination legislation. She is a wife, mother of one human child, mother to one furry American Bully, a college student, and also your typical everyday Wonder Woman. When she hangs up her cape, you can find her curled up in her office sewing, writing, playing World of Warcraft, or practicing banjo. You can follow her on Facebook to see what issue she is tackling.