Florida Man Throws A Baby Across Room, Sheriff Blames Marijuana Abuse

Christopher Finlayson
Christopher Finlayson

In what can only be described as a truly disgusting and heinous act, Christopher Finlayson of Winter Haven, Florida has been arrested and charged with one count of aggravated child abuse after confessing to throwing an 11-month-old girl across a bedroom for crying.

The Tampa Tribune reported:

?Christopher Finlayson, 24, told detectives he became agitated when the child would not stop crying and ?lost it,? the Polk sheriff’s office said.

According to Finlayson, he dropped the child after tripping over furniture, and she landed face first. Though he tried to comfort her, he became frustrated and ?lost it.?

?Finlayson told detectives he told the baby I’ll give you something to cry about? About 6:30 p.m., he threw the baby into the air toward the end of a bed, causing the baby to hit face-first on the floor? He then put the baby to bed.?

Finlayson was babysitting the child for her mother who had gone?out to the store.

When the mother came home and found her child unresponsive, she took the child to the Winter Haven Hospital who alerted the sheriff’s office. Though Finlayson had originally told the mother the child had hit her head in a playpen, he finally admitted to his actions when questioned at the hospital.

The child was found to have extensive injuries but was in stable condition as of Friday.

??a skull fracture, two broken wrists, and five fractured ribs, deputies said.?

As Finlayson admitted to smoking a ?blunt and a half of marijuana? and had not slept the night before, Sheriff Grady Judd took the opportunity to draw correlations between marijuana use and child abuse.

Sheriff Judd:

?This is just another example of marijuana abuse linked to child abuse.?

Finlayson also told deputies that on previous occasions he had tried to yell at the baby to “scare” the child into being quiet.” Finlayson?also has a previous battery charge.

This was an absolute horrendous act of child abuse, and yes, Mr. Finlayson deserves every bit of punishment a judge can dish out to him. However, what do you think of Sheriff Judd’s statement? Is it appropriate to draw a vague and very broad correlation between marijuana abuse and child abuse, or is it an attempt to push the anti-marijuana ideology? The same correlation could be made between alcohol abuse and child abuse; however, alcohol is still legal. I’d love to hear your opinions, gripes, and objections. No matter what though, Mr. Finlayson has none of my sympathy, and he deserves to be in jail. Any person who throws a child across the room sober or inebriated deserves the harshest of punishments. Let us know your thoughts and opinions on the Liberal America Facebook page!

h/t to The Raw Story


biopicLizLiz Lee considers herself a modern woman of the South and hails from the swamps of South Georgia. She votes along no party line and prefers to look at issues from all angles before taking a stance. She takes particular interest in healthcare issues, mental health issues, crime, and the battle for equality. She is also an emphatic advocate for the end to dog breed discrimination legislation. She is a wife, mother of one human child, mother to one furry American Bully, a college student, and also your typical everyday Wonder Woman. She is also considered a tool of the devil for writing for liberals, and she’s okay with that. When she hangs up her cape, you can find her curled up in her office sewing, writing, playing World of Warcraft, or practicing banjo. You can follow her on Facebook to see what issue she is tackling.