Fox News Compares Immigrant Children to Garbage (VIDEO)

screenshot fox and friends immigrants
Credit: Photo screenshot from Fox News via Media Matters for America.

Oh yes. They did.

Wednesday morning, our favorite sad-clown show, Fox & Friends, did a “teaser” for a segment about those bad old undocumented immigrants. You know where the segment went without even having to see it. A veritable tsunami of brown-skinned “illegals” from Foreign Lands Below Our Southern Border, cascading into our pristine nation like a cataract of undocumented sewage, stealing our jobs, babbling in heathen tongues, scaring our Proud White Patriot families, and in general just coarsening our society.

Yep, because that’s exactly what they do, right, guys?

The story was about “illegal immigrants” snatched up in Texas by Homeland Security and being taken to Phoenix where they would await deportation hearings.

Steve Doocy, that bastion of principled, well-grounded journalism, told listeners:

All right. Coming up, the video is shocking. Illegals, just dropped off free to go, at a bus stop in Arizona. We’re gonna tell you what’s going on. You might not like it.

Doocy stretched out the key word, “ILL-LEE-GALS,” just so we would have every possible verbal cue to know that These People are Bad People. I would say something about his stiff and uncomfortable body language, but that’s pretty much the way he always is, so nothing new to see there.

His perky blonde partner, Elizabeth Hasselbeck (fresh from lowering viewers’ IQs on The View), chimed in with, “Oh, you’re right!” She said more, but the clip cuts off there, and frankly, I didn’t want to see any more of their jingoistic chatter before they turned it over to commercials for male enhancement products.

Third banana Brian Kilmeade sat motionless throughout the clip; apparently the stagehand who moves him with a hand up his back had stepped away for a hot cup of green-room java.

Pretty par for the course, right? Nothing particularly noteworthy, just more reasons why Fox News viewers should self-lobotomize for the sake of efficiency rather than drawing out the process by watching this drivel for years and years. But it’s the tagline (the “chyron,” in TV speak) that makes the segment. The video shows a nice law enforcement guy lifting an adorable little Hispanic boy out of a truck or bus and setting him down, and another nice law enforcement guy handing the cute little fellow a bottle of water. Cute, sweet, adorable … Fox can’t have that going on when we’re talking about the Brownish Peril From Below. “Adorable” does not equal “scary” or “vile.” So the tagline, or “chyron,” on screen reads:


Pardon me. When I think of “illegal dumping,” I think of my Uncle Flem driving out to the dump at oh-dark-thirty, carrying a ton of yard waste and construction trash in the back of his F-150, throwing it in the general vicinity of the dump, and hightailing it out of there?before Johnny Law can catch him. (He’ll tell you he saves $30 a trip doing that, and the got-damn revenooers don’t need none of his money nohow.)

Apparently when Fox News thinks of “illegal dumping,” they think of trash, too. And they consider adorable little Hispanic boys to be trash.

I don’t know about you, but as for me, I sure hope Fox’s plummeting ratings results in those three stooges’ TV-host strings being cut sooner rather than later.

See for yourself.


me_tooned Published writer since 2001, focusing on politics,
 history, Web development, and other topics.
 First book is coming soon.

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