Operation American Spring Officially Ends — It Was Pathetic


american spring
Photo by Elvert Barnes via Flickr, used via CC SA-2.0

Operation American Spring “officially” ended today with a whimper instead of a scream, as the Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally rumbled through Washington, DC to commemorate Memorial Day, ignoring OAS entirely.

The annual “Ride for Freedom” was made up of some 6,000 motorcycle enthusiasts of all ideological and social stripes. The Operation American Spring organizers had desperate hopes that the bikers would join them and bring their movement back from the dead. However, nothing that took place in the rally had any connection to OAS, the Facebook-driven push to “impeach Obama and his criminal administration” by a few dozen far-right malcontents that was supposed to culminate in an occupation of the Capitol District by “tens of millions of Americans.”

The idea was that they would remain in place, howling and shrieking and waving signs and unread copies of the Constitution, until Obama and his gang came crawling out of the White House with their hands crossed before them, waiting to be zip-tied and hauled away. That isn’t what happened.

In reality, a few hundred “patriots” (at most) milled aimlessly around the Mall for a few hours before going home to engage in a maelstrom of finger-pointing that included the “traitor” Glenn Beck, the conservative media and “alternative news groups and commentators”, and, of course, the Obama administration, which allegedly blocked their social media access and perhaps even held rain dances to deter the tens of millions of patriots from coming out in the morning showers.

In recent days, Operation American Spring Facebook administrators found themselves wrangling with “hackers” who replaced posts with pictures of happy goats, and with “Scamper,” “Whiskers,” and “Nibbles,” three “hamsters” who were promptly engaged by angry OAS supporters who thought arguing with hamsters was somehow going to advance the revolution.

Today, the OAS revolution came to a sad and unremarked end, as the 20 or 30 diehard OAS members hanging around the Mall waving signs and hoping against hope that their movement would be rescued by Rolling Thunder were roundly ignored by the thousands of bikers who roared past them without turning their heads.

When your attempt to overthrow the government is foiled by spring rain showers, grass-eating goats, and argumentative hamsters, maybe you should rethink your approach. Or just go do something else entirely.