Swiffer Just ‘Out-diversified’ Cheerios (VIDEOS)

2-8-2014 11-43-53 PM
Who doesn’t love Gracie?

So we all remember the attention this Cheerios ad got when it was originally run as an internet ad…

Which led to the adorable Superbowl ad:

Right wingers even complained that the Superbowl ad didn’t even “feature the cereal it was just social commentary.” As if Cheerios isn’t free, Citizens United anyone(?), to run any ad it wants with its own money. I guess the Tea Party believes corporations should be free to do anything they want as long as it agrees with their limited, hateful, world view.

Somebody at Swiffer saw the Cheerios commercials and obviously decided to take up the “diversity” gauntlet and created this lovely ad of this REAL family; the Rokavinas:

“We’ll see your biracial family of cast actors and see you a REAL biracial family! BONUS! The dad is an amputee!” I can here them going, “BOOM!” in the advertising office.

In this case, and maybe just this one time, advertising agencies trying to outdo each other is a good thing.

Those of us in biracial families and families that have physically disabled people in them thank you both.

Now let’s go have some Cheerios and then Swiffer-up the place!