Timothy Geithner Finds A Job

Cat who ate the canary


Private equity firm Warburg Pincus LLC.?announced a new hire on Saturday. Timothy Geithner, the 75th Secretary of the Treasury, who stepped down in January, has taken a job at the firm. Secretary Geithner will work as a Junior Assistant and work his way up in the company.

Not really.

Mr. Geithner has been hired as the firms new president and managing director. And there is a lot to direct. Warburg Pincus has a portfolio so dirty Al Gore should be hunger striking outside their corporate offices. Oil Sands in Canada, shale “exploration” (fracking) in America, combined with the many low wage manufacturing plants they partner with in India and China make this the IDEAL job for a former Treasury Secretary of the United States.

There is a bonus factoid for paranoid folks here:

Timothy Geithner, before taking over the Treasury, was head of the New York Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve System was set up in the United States by Paul WARBURG.??So I guess Tim already knew everybody at his “new” office since it’s pretty much the same people he’s always worked for.

The corruption is so obvious it almost makes one long for Madame Defarge to pull out her knitting and read to us the knotted and twisted career of Mr. Geithner. How a Treasury Secretary can be considered such a friend to an investment bank that they reward him for his loyal service by “starting him at the top,” is beyond immoral and unethical.

Timmy starts his new job in March of 2014.

Edited by SS