Tea Party Cracks Whip On Senate Republicans (VIDEO)

Now that the dust is settling from the Republicans attempt to defund Obamacare, which in many aspects brings to mind the term Waterloo. Apparently, the Tea Party faction of the party is still boiling in their loss and is starting to point fingers, led by their outspoken leader Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

In an attempt to defer blame from himself for the record low polls the Republican party has received since the government shutdown, Tea Party groups, spurred on by Ted Cruz, are placing the blame at the doorsteps of the Republicans in the Senate blaming them and referring to them as RINOs (Republicans in name only).

In a recent email by Tea Party Nation to its members, they urged members to not support the Rino senators even in a general election.

?In every state where there is a RINO running for the Senate and certain establishment Republicans are running for reelection in the House, like John Boehner and Eric Cantor, conservatives need to agree on one challenger to support against the incumbent. If that challenger wins, then everyone supports the challenger in the November 2014 elections. If the challenger fails, then instead of grudgingly supporting the establishment Republican, we all then need to fall back to supporting an independent or a third-party candidate who is worthy of support.

The Tea Party Nation released a video in support of this email entitled “?Stop The Traitors?.”

Notable is the strongly held belief by the Tea Party people that?their cause is ordained by God Almighty himself.?

In a published article from Freakout Nation,?E.W. Jackson: The Tea Party is Part of God’s Plan,?the Republican nominee for Lt. Governor of Virginia said the following,

?the 2008 election ?broke my heart? and didn’t understand why God would allow the ?grave danger? of Obama’s election?until realizing it was part of God’s plan to create the Tea Party.

In the latest polls Jackson is way behind in his race against the Democrat in a state that is Red as it gets. Moreover, Mr. Jackson, What about the election of 2012? What was God’s intention on that election?

Mr. Jackson made these remarks:

God created the Tea Party.

One of the main tenants of the Republican Southern strategy was the interjection of both racism and the age-old carrier of it, religion. It’s well documented that the far-right wing Christian zealots feel they are the chosen of God and that this gives them insights on who and what political party is best to run the country.

There has been a fairly fresh religious term that has been bandied about lately called?Dominionism?. There are different views on this theology depending on what side the fence you sit on. Some say it’s a?Christian plot for world domination while others say it’s just a liberal bugaboo.

Dominionism is very controversial. The term was made popular in certain circles in the 1990’s by scholars and journalist applying it to conservative Christians running for public office. In Short, Dominionist’s believe that Christians and Christians only are biblically mandated to control all earthly institutions until the second coming of Christ. There are two trains of thought or doctrine within Dominionism.

First, there are the?Christian Reconstructionist,?who believe biblical law, including stoning as punishment for adultery and other transgressions, should replace secular law. Second, is the?New Apostolic Reformation which advocates for Christians to “reclaim the seven mountains of culture;” government, religion, media, family, business, education, and arts and entertainment.

Just how many people adhere to these doctrines is unknown. But, In general, these doctrines tend to be more of a school of thought than some recognizable social group. These doctrines portray the founding fathers as devout evangelicals, very much into the home-schooling movement. Many of the more established churches of Christendom tend to down play this movement and there is no evidence that so-called church elites adhere to the doctrine.

There seems though, in the last several years, to be some ?influential politicians ,Tea Party, and Libertarian factions within the Republican party that have shown ?growing interest in these doctrines. The late?R.J. Rushdoony brought some but not many to the Christian Reconstructionist view, while the New Apostolic Reformation is Pentecostal driven.

Most conservative Christians downplay this new-found attention to Dominionism as Liberal fear mongering.?Some question that! When you see stories coming out like this one published in http://newcivilrightsmovement.com, ??Yeah I Would? Vote To Bring Back Slavery Says Tea Party Lawmaker?.”

If that’s what they wanted, I’d have to hold my nose, I’d have to bite my tongue and they’d probably have to hold a gun to my head, but yeah, if that’s what the citizens of the, if that’s what the constituency wants that elected me, that’s what they elected me for,? Wheeler said. ?That’s what a republic is about. (Nevada State Assemblyman, Jim Wheeler)

So, what this guy is saying if a group of people bound up together in a nice drawn out gerrymandered district the so-called “safe zones,? decide they want to use nullification like they are doing with other unwanted Federal laws and the majority of them are saying,” Christian Reconstructionist” vote to bring back slavery so be it.

We have seen in North Carolina, and Texas, and other areas around the country where the Tea Party have gathered strongholds, implemented harsh legislation, regressive legislation, and we have seen protections lifted so that restrictions could replace them ?in the form of voter suppression. All this in the name of God.

There is no doubt the Tea Party feels it has the political clout in the Republican Party to crack the whip and Republican politicians stand to attention. Comments like the above mention are not uncommon and there even more bizarre ones to be had.

How refreshing to hear the innocence of a child pour the truth from her heart that speaks to all of us to fight for the separation of Church and State. To fight for our Civil Rights that many lost their life for and gave their life too. Nobody could have pinpointed the injustices any better than her. Way to go Madison Kimrey from Burlington, North Carolina. You are a shining star.


Edited by SS