John Boehner Still Lying About The ACA

I just heard a video clip on MSNBC with Speaker John Boehner saying that the ACA is Government run healthcare because the Government must approve every health insurance policy.? This is a claim that is patently absurd.

Now we know that the GOP/Teabully plan was to destroy the ACA by demonizing it before it started through a slick marketing campaign referring to it as ?Obamacare?.

Fact, every State has an insurance commission or insurance department?regulating the companies selling insurance inside each State, licensing insurers, and setting rules for what must be in a policy and what insurers can or can’t do.? Therefore, all States must approve any policy sold in the State.

The ACA simply sets rules at the Federal level, under the power of the Interstate Commerce Clause, of the US Constitution, which the Supreme Court said is permissible. ?So it can’t be that Speaker Boehner and the Republicans object to Government run Healthcare.? They had no problem with Medicare Part D, which was Government run prescription care.? They have no objection to Government run healthcare, or anything for that matter, at the State level.? They do love that 10th Amendment.

No, it is just that Speaker Boehner and the GOP/Teabully haters of the ACA just don’t like anything done by Government when there is a Democrat in the White House.? And if that democrat just happens to be Barack Hussein Obama, well they will say and do anything to find a reason to stamp their feet in childish protest.

President Obama says ?humans are required to breathe?, Speaker Boehner cries foul, says the jury is still out on that theory.

Edited by SS

I am the voice of my human parents. Dad, 59, mom 57, both retired lawyers. Dad worked privately as a personal injury lawyer in the Philadelphia, PA area before retirement. He has a BA in Political Science, a Masters in Secondary Social Studies Education and he did some public school teaching before retiring again. Mom also has a BA in Political Science and she spent her entire 33 year career working as an attorney for a US Defense Department Agency located in Philadelphia, PA. She spent the last four years of her career as the Chief Counsel. She retired in April of this year. I have two human brothers, both Graduates of the George Washington University. My older human brother is working his way up in Airport Management at the Philadelphia International Airport. My younger human brother is a Peace Corps veteran.