The Mask of Monsanto

Image Credit: Greenpeace
Image Credit: Greenpeace

President Barack Obama recently approved one of the most questionable acts against the American people since the patriot act. The law that was passed was entitled H.R. 933: Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 — 03/22/13: Passed Congress/Enrolled Bill

??? Buried deep within the underbelly of an alleged ?budget bill?, is a provision that allows companies like Monsanto to have what is labeled as judiciary ?de-regulation?. In other words, the Monsanto Company and the like are now above the law and cannot be brought into the United States court system for any reason.

??? I loosely read the legislative bill HR 933, and the only part that appears from my perspective to be unclear in representation, is the section regarding the ?Plant Protection Act? also known as section 735). The second part of this legislation that is personally unnerving is that the bill is mainly presenting the United States spending budget for the next 6 months (March 26- September 13th 2013).

??? Now, why was a proposition to deregulate commercially produced plant seeds protection act squeezed into this spending budget bill? Why is it basically the only part of the bill that is lacking transparency? I’ll tell ya why, because the silly, greedy squirrels up in congress are bending over backwards for corporate companies that produce hyper profit taxable revenue in the billions for our government, even if it means that the health and safety of the general public are at risk. If this law were presented with transparency, then it would have never seen the light of day in the Senate. This is why it was ?snuck? into a budget bill.

??? What this law provides is the ability for private companies like Monsanto to have zilch accountability to the senate. That’s right, now congress can’t even legally attack Monsanto and the like if it is to be unveiled that these companies are distributing cancer inducing genetically modified seeds to the general public.

??? In America, we already suffer from multitudes of ?greed disorders?, and now the reigns of the government mean nothing to Monsanto and companies of the like.

??? These companies can pump out new GMO’s (genetically modified seeds) to the general public and not have to reimburse its consumers for any damages related to the cultivation/consuming of their seed products.

??? The signing of this act not only exemplifies the corruption that is riddled within the senate, but also the aloofness that is spreading throughout our lawmakers like a bad virus. I grow weary of hearing about how the senate has passed yet another heavy handed law without the overwhelming majority of the lawmakers even scanning through the entire law in proposition.

??? This bill was presented to the house on March 4, 2013 and by March 21st it passed the senate, and then shortly thereafter, president Obama signed the bill on March 26th. Basically, this bill sat around the senate for three weeks and most of the senators that signed for its passing didn’t even bring the ?Plant Protection? provision into debate as to why private companies call for deregulation, or should I say have ?Attila the Hun? pillaging privileges over its consumers. Why, when senator Tester proposed discussion of the ?Monsanto rider? hidden within a budget bill was it not allowed for appropriate discussion? Why was there only one senator questioning this part of the bill anyway? And why was his outcry shrugged off as unimportant and irrelevant?

??? My main concern on this topic is, why would any politician want to pass a law that when enacted, technically makes the beneficiaries (Monsanto, Dupont and the like) of that law more powerful than the few that signed the bill? The question at hand is why would the house want to de-power themselves?

??? The pondering of this question then leads me to a few suspicions. Were some members of the house bribed? Were some of them blackmailed? Are some of them devotees to the Monsanto Company itself? All of these questions and more ricochet within the parameters of my brain and leads me to an overwhelming suspicion that something is just not right within our house of representatives.

??? If corruption and procrastination are running rampant amongst the politically savvy, then what kind of example are they setting for the rest of our country? This ?Monsanto rider? should have been presented with transparency within an Agricultural bill, or in a legal area more appropriate within its subject boundaries.??? Our political government needs to get its fire back regarding old/current/and new legislation. Where are our political heroes and why are they being shunned? Right now, all I see is the victory of villains ruling in the senate. Companies like Monsanto are jeopardizing the authentication and beauty of our governmental system. The ?Monsanto Protection Act? is a demonstration of the negligence of the common folks personal health and safety. When a law like this is passed, the people should rise up and unite to bring all those who favored it to be interrogated before a court of law.

??? This proposition was a hidden agenda catalyzing more of the same corporate control that is becoming the new ?par? for North America. To be honest, I could see how this law slipped through the cracks even as an ordinary citizen.

The politicians involved in the promotion of the ?Monsanto is above the law? theme have undermined the livelihood of our countrymen and is a treasonous act if nothing else that should be punishable by law.

Written by: C.W. Grima

P.s.- If you want to do something about this fraudulent legislation while it is still in ?lawful limbo? until September 13, 2013. Write to congress, or even better start a protest in your local community.

Edited by AEK

Published by CB

He was born in California, but raised in London,England and Miami, Florida. He is the son of two traveling missionaries but now lives a gratifyingly secular life in the world he calls home. He studied at Florida Atlantic University with an emphasis in Marine Biology, but dropped out during his remaining credit hours after witnessing analogous corruption between FAU and the United States government. He went traveling for three years from Malta to Brazil and other locations in between to find a place where a peaceful and unexploited life might be possible. Now, in the name of love he is back into the hustle of living in the United States and wishes to expose those who conspire to suppress civil rights, private property,and the entrepreneurial spirit that the foundation of North America stands upon. He has worked as a reporter for and currently works as a free-lance international journalist, who can be reached at [email protected]